צילום: אור קפלן


Relationships with Men
RELATIONSHIPS WITH MEN Those of us who find men as partners for friendship, love, support, sex, or any other relationship, face many issues and reflections

Mental and Emotional Well-Being
The well known Greek saying “a healthy spirit in a health body” is just as true today as it was three thousand years ago. During

Birth Control
ה The right to make decisions regarding our bodies is in our hands and includes, amongst other things, the right to reproduce. We can decide

Holistic Medicine
The health system in Israel meets, confronts and sometimes even cooperates with holistic practices such as acupuncture, homeopathy, chiropractics and many other methods. The holistic

Our Bodies in Motion
OUR BODIES IN MOTION The human body was created to move. Motion does not necessarily mean exercise or sports. Working in or out of the

Eating Well
EATING WELL Eating is not just a physical need which influences our health, but also a product of culturally defining elements. All over the world

Safer Sex, Sexually Transmitted Infections and Diseases
The chapter deals with our ability to have sexual encounters which are sensual and passionate whilst protecting our sexual health. Safe sex is not necessarily