Online information center

Our online center for information and expertise provides reliable and evidence-based resources exploring aspects of the lives of women and girls, stemming from our belief that when it comes to health, knowledge is a power!

Being able to search for information online opens up a wide variety of possibilities and helps us feel in control. However, in this digital age we often encounter a surplus of information, sometimes causing confusion and worry due to the inability to know whether the information is biased or false.

Our online information center offers the opportunity to delve in and expand our knowledge by engaging with a wide array of perspectives on high-priority topics for Israeli women, including body image, fertility and contraception, sexuality, sexual orientation, violence against women and girls, menopause, advocacy and our rights in the health system and more.
Most of the Knowledge is in Hebrew and in Arabic.





The online information center is easily accessible to all women and girls in Israel in two main languages: Hebrew and Arabic. It is unique in its breadth of knowledge drawn from the experience of hundreds of women in a wide range of professional fields. The presentation of information is designed to empower women to develop a better understanding of their own bodies, their health and sexuality, closing gaps in knowledge, reducing fear and promoting a well-informed stance when facing the medical establishment.
The information center includes detailed and up-to-date information regarding tests, research, nutrition and exercise, as well as recommendations around self checks, holistic medicine and more. The site provides information on controversial topics on which accurate, unbiased information is often difficult to find (for example, specialized contraceptives, detailed information about abortions, political and economic aspects of women’s health and more). The information center opens a door to a world of experiences, representing women from every group in Israeli society. This tapestry of voices offers a fascinating and complex reading experience, evoking both empathy and a call for action for the promotion of our health and those around us.

Photo: Shay Ignatz

Why is the center important?

Many women tend to push off caring for their health due to lack of time, resources, or because they lack the relevant information. The information center allows women to take the time to focus on themselves and expand their knowledge independently, without having to disclose intimate details regarding their health to others.

Our consultation and field work gave us the opportunity to hear from women about the many ways in which the information center will be helpful to them:

  • ‘No shame’: information is accessible anywhere, at any time.
  • ‘In plain language’: Medical terms explained in understandable language.
  • ‘My language’: Providing information regarding women’s bodies which is currently not accessible in more traditional communities in Israel.
  • ‘Not only for the wealthy’: the information center is free to use.
  • ‘Getting to know you’: Promoting WTB’s profile and its unique work.